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Medical blue dynamite
21 окт 2018
Cannabis (or weed, from the English weed = 'weed') is the Latin name for hemp. Cannabis is a drug in two forms, 'weed' and 'hashish'. Hashish or hash is the resin, which can vary from almost liquid and oily to very hard. Another well-known name is marijuana medical blue dynamite. These variants are extracted from the flower tops (or rather seed boxes) of this plant, at least - preferably - from the female, unfertilized plant (sinsemilla). The chemical component that has an influence on human consciousness is the substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC.) In the Netherlands, cannabis and derived products are considered to be soft drugs in the Netherlands; In many other countries, no distinction is made between soft and hard drugs and severe penalties. Medicinal cannabis is used by some people for medical reasons. Just like alcohol, participation as a driver on public roads with THC in the blood is a crime in accordance with the Road Traffic Act.
Cannabis can be used as a intoxicant in several ways. Popular is smoking a mixture of crumbled hemp blossom and tobacco in a rolled cigarette leaf with homemade paper filter, a so-called joint. The cannabis can also be 'pure' smoked as a joint or in different types of pipes, such as a water pipe. Cannabis can also be processed in food. A well-known example is the space cake, in which the blossom or resin (hash) is baked in an ordinary cake. Butter weed or weed cream consist of animal fats that have been drawn in a weed bath so that the THC adheres to the fat.
Cannabis can be used as a intoxicant in several ways. Popular is smoking a mixture of crumbled hemp blossom and tobacco in a rolled cigarette leaf with homemade paper filter, a so-called joint. The cannabis can also be 'pure' smoked as a joint or in different types of pipes, such as a water pipe. Cannabis can also be processed in food. A well-known example is the space cake, in which the blossom or resin (hash) is baked in an ordinary cake. Butter weed or weed cream consist of animal fats that have been drawn in a weed bath so that the THC adheres to the fat.
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