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Russian souvenirs and gifts
30 июл 2017
A souvenir is an object that you take and store as a reminder of a particular event, a place or a person. The word comes from French and means memory, souvenir. In contrast to a trophy, souvenirs are mostly purchased Russian gifts.
Often people bring themselves and others for example a souvenir from the vacation with. This is often something country-specific. It is also a popular souvenir of the places visited, or pictures of the places visited. In many holiday regions, the sale of souvenirs to tourists now constitutes a solid source of income for the locals.
Popular souvenirs are also miniatures of famous buildings such as the Eiffel Tower, the Brandenburg Gate, the Cologne Cathedral, Russian Shawls.
Souvenirs are harmful when tourists take cultural treasures, rare animals, plants or even "only" stones. Some states impose draconian penalties for the illicit export of such items. In this context it can be confused that genuine cultural objects (for example, antique pieces) can hardly be distinguished from copies made especially as souvenirs.
Also, souvenirs are sometimes used jokingly, a sunglasses can be an unpleasant souvenir from the South, even a pregnancy is a lifetime souvenir.
Often people bring themselves and others for example a souvenir from the vacation with. This is often something country-specific. It is also a popular souvenir of the places visited, or pictures of the places visited. In many holiday regions, the sale of souvenirs to tourists now constitutes a solid source of income for the locals.
Popular souvenirs are also miniatures of famous buildings such as the Eiffel Tower, the Brandenburg Gate, the Cologne Cathedral, Russian Shawls.
Souvenirs are harmful when tourists take cultural treasures, rare animals, plants or even "only" stones. Some states impose draconian penalties for the illicit export of such items. In this context it can be confused that genuine cultural objects (for example, antique pieces) can hardly be distinguished from copies made especially as souvenirs.
Also, souvenirs are sometimes used jokingly, a sunglasses can be an unpleasant souvenir from the South, even a pregnancy is a lifetime souvenir.
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