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What are antibiotics and when are they useless?

03 окт 2019
Generally antibiotics are drugs that help with bacterial infections. Only. They do not act on any viruses. It is not only useless, but also harmful to treat ARVI, and especially flu.

Antibiotics inhibit the growth of a large number of microorganisms, including beneficial ones. Moreover, if the drugs are used in the wrong doses and for an insufficiently long time, then there is a risk of the emergence of resistance (resistance) of microorganisms in the patient. Moreover, if the antibiotic was not prescribed by the doctor, but the patient himself decided that he should start taking this group of drugs buy amoxicillin.

If with a cold, SARS, the patient began self-treatment, then almost certainly he uses antipyretic and anti-allergic drugs, sprays from the common cold. And if there is an antibiotic in this set of drugs, then if the effect is there, then, most likely, from all drugs except the antibiotic. The effect, which cannot be fast and usually develops only by the 2-3rd day from the start of administration. Just at the time when the main symptoms of the so-called acute respiratory viral infection and so can pass on their own. A doctor can prescribe an antibacterial drug to a patient with a viral infection if he sees that a bacterial component has joined the viral cause.


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